
Fixing a cavity at a dentist in Wagga Wagga

Cavities are one of the most common problems in dentistry, and are something we deal with everyday. There is no sugar coating it (irony intended): cavities are a direct result of poor oral hygiene, acidic and sugary foods and drinks, and lack of cleaning.  All these contribute, and are what may have brought you to us needing a filling from a dentist Wagga. But thanks to new technologies and materials we don’t have to fill up those decaying teeth with amalgam and metal fillings any longer. Nowadays, we use a composite bonding material which exactly matches the shade of your teeth and is non-toxic and far less likely to crack. As for the procedure, that’s tried and tested and responsible for good tooth restoration which should last you for years to come.

Getting a filling

Once you come in for the appointment to have a filling done on your tooth we will first numb the side of the face we intend to work on, once the local anaesthetic has taken effect, your dentist Wagga will begin work on your tooth by drilling around the holes that have presented themselves in order to properly clean them out with a flushing liquid to make sure there is no infection building up, once the tooth is prepared they will begin the filling work. This is done with a paste that is chosen according to your natural tooth colour which is inserted in and around the hole, the dentist then carves this paste to fit the shape of your tooth and then hardens it with a special light. Once hardened this material is incredibly strong and you will be able to continue life as usual without any pain.

Avoiding needing a filling

Hygiene appointments

Once you have had a filling you should try to avoid needing one, regular dental check-ups with your dentist in Wagga can help spot cavities as they form, but they key to healthy teeth and gums is to see our hygienist who is the right-hand person of the dentist Wagga. A hygienist will be able to teach you how to clean your teeth at home properly and they will be able to give you a deep clean while you are in the practice. This involves scaling and polishing your teeth to remove all the hardened plaque (called tartar) that develops in places you may not reach with your toothbrush, they will also be able to clean under the gums where pockets of plaque may form over time, thus keeping them healthy and disease-free.

Your diet

What you put into your mouth regularly is what affects your teeth, the occasional sugary treat will probably not have much of an effect if you clean your teeth directly afterwards, but things like coffee or cola every single day will begin to degrade the precious tooth enamel causing cavities. Healthy foods like cheese, fish, fruits and vegetables may directly help with your tooth health and eating a balanced low sugar diet can help protect your teeth as well.

All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.


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